Sunday, August 5, 2012

Stake Central is no longer available...

Stake Central has been removed from the Android Play Store and is no longer available from my website. The church app, LDS Tools now provides most of the features that Stake Central provides. I created Stake Central because it was the first thing I went looking for when I purchased my first Android phone. It was a great experience.


  1. Just got new phone and went looking for this app... I love it! Guess I'll have to get it off my old phone. You'll be missed, my friend!

  2. Thanks - your app was really useful during my time in a bishopric, especially when there was such lack of android apps. Stake Central really stood out.
    Best of luck with any new projects.

  3. Had to reset my phone and went to put this back sad to see it gone. I used it all the time!

  4. That's a bummer. Is there a way to get stake directory information from LDS Tools? Mine only gives me ward information.

    1. Yes, in the latest version, click the little church icon at the top and you should see a list of the other wards in your stake as well as the entire stake.

  5. Loved your app more that the LDS Tools. I originally bought it for Blackberry and faithfully used it on Android. Sorry to see it go.

  6. I loved your app. I just got an upgrade and lost the stake central and was so sad that I couldn't get it back. It was so much better than LDS Tools. I would even pay for getting it back. :)

  7. Nooooooo. I just got a new phone also. I've been using stake central since it came out. I tried lds tools and don't like it near as much (and it never loads data on sundays). Is there any way to move stake central from my old phone?

  8. This was one of my top 3 favorite apps. Really sorry to see it go.

  9. Please bring it back as a paid app. The phone dialing ability was so handy!

  10. You did a good job
    I will miss it

  11. Sad to see that your app is no longer on the Google Play list. There are several tasks that Stake Central does that LDS Tools cannot.

    1. Calendar interface. LDS Tools won't copy an item to my phone's calendar.

    2. Adding contacts to phone. Tools won't sync a members contact information to my phone.

    3.Groups and Email. Tools does not have the feature to create groups or email / text group members. I use the email task all the time!

    I don't know if the LDS programmers will add the above to their app, but they should. it would make it more user friendly.

    I would pay for Stake Central!!!

  12. I just got a replacement phone for my broken phone and I'm so bummed out to discover I an't get your app. No way does LDS tools do everything that you're app did. i used it all the time. Sure wish you would reconsider and put it back on the market!!!

  13. please, PLEASE I need to find out how to get this off my old phone to my new one! I still can't get the church one to work....could you just send me a link or copy I can down load to my new phone? I got called as a member of the stake RS pres. I don't have time to program all of the contacts I now need. I will Pay for it!!!!

  14. I cannot respond to you personally unless you send me an email. Link to my email can be found on the FAQ page at the bottom

  15. A agree. I would absolutely pay for it. For now, I'm off searching the web for an old apk. Much better than lds tools.

  16. Sorry to see this app go. I have used both Stake Central and LDS Tools and generally go to Stake Central first. Or did. Time to learn a new "first" choice.

  17. Very disappointed I too had a phone problem and went to put stake central back on my phone and we all know the rest of the story.

    I would gladly pay it is a great tool for getting to members across the stake quickly and make things happen.

    Suggestion from others as to android app

  18. I recently changed from a HTC Evo 4G to a Samsung Galaxy S4 and I was initially sad to see that this little jewel was not available anymore. I still have my EVO and I still have the app there. I was able to find a workaround and I am happy to say that I now have Stake Central in my Galaxy S4. I am happy camper. I am a member of a Branch Presidency and Stake Central is such a great tool for my work in the church. What a relief.

  19. This app was so useful to me as an Elders Quorum president and as an executive secretary as well. Thank you for the service that you provided to us with your app

  20. Yeah, I really liked that app too, miss it, it's still better
